It is been a struggle to get the InternetExplorer work with different drivers available specifically for each browser.
Life would be easy at work when we move finally to Selenium Grid.
Steps to get the internet explorer driver work :)
1. Download the internet explorer driver from seleniums
2. Add the below snippet for Invoking the InternetExplorer Driver
3. Have a look at this bug that was raised for issues with InternetExplorerDriver
If you hit any of the issues, However the below solution works perfectly fine.
var options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
options.IntroduceInstabilityByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings = true;
IWebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
Thought of Adding this bit here with New release of IE standalone server Selenium WebDriver 2.22
Reason for having a standalone server
" The IE WebDriver now has a standalone server. Previously, we've relied on packaging and silently using our own DLL, but this often meant that Selenium was falling foul of overly active virus scanners. If you place the new IEDriverServer.exe on your %PATH% the InternetExplorerDriver will Do The Right Thing and use it. For now, the DLL is also still packaged just as it always was, and you can use it by setting the DesiredCapability "useLegacyInternalServer" to the boolean "true" value when creating your IE instance."
Now a bit more steps to follow/get IE working
1. Download the latest IE standalone server based on your requirement of 32 bit or 64 bit
Download from here :
I have downloaded InternetExplorerDriver standalone server for 64-bit IE
2. Unzip it to a location where all other .dll files are present
3. You can either set a path to locate IEstandaloneserver or call within your script the executable
This is how you will call within the script.
Updates that are needed for our code to invoke is as follows
var options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
options.IntroduceInstabilityByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings = true;
IWebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(@"C:\Selenium\",options);
Just an update : With the latest version of Selenium 2.22 being released on 29th May 2012
ReplyDeleteHere's what to expect from having a seperate IE WebDriver standalone server ...
The IE WebDriver now has a standalone server. Previously, we've
relied on packaging and silently using our own DLL, but this often
meant that Selenium was falling foul of overly active virus scanners.
If you place the new IEDriverServer.exe on your %PATH% the
InternetExplorerDriver will Do The Right Thing and use it. For now,
the DLL is also still packaged just as it always was, and you can use
it by setting the DesiredCapability "useLegacyInternalServer" to the
boolean "true" value when creating your IE instance.